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Looking for a word in Simon Shuker's codecracker 3269 3 10th August 2011, 07:18
» by tieke
Times 2 Jumbo 936 2 knotty 10th August 2011, 00:43
» by ronnie bennett
The Week 760 Cryptic 2 bronte 10th August 2011, 00:24
» by bronte
JUMBO 936 46dn 6 theambler 9th August 2011, 23:26
» by sudokulover
Tues Daily Record 2 millie 9th August 2011, 22:35
» by millie
sun mail you 2 lewjo 9th August 2011, 22:10
» by lewjo
Last clue in Times Jumbo Cryptic 937, please 6 michael 9th August 2011, 21:37
» by michael
Annoying !! 9 sunset 9th August 2011, 21:35
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Cakes & Biscuits 11 julianne 9th August 2011, 19:42
» by ari
Pop Groups and Singers 7 mags1 9th August 2011, 19:41
» by puzzled
Jolan's 5 (at 5) 9 jolan 9th August 2011, 18:48
» by peterm
evryman 3384 6 lily 9th August 2011, 16:41
» by lily
Question for Sudokulover 2 greedy kite 9th August 2011, 16:22
» by sudokulover
Times 24923 1 ari 9th August 2011, 15:27
» by ari
times cryptic 24923 4 tommy 9th August 2011, 15:25
» by ari
DM TUES 8 monkey 9th August 2011, 14:28
» by andyc
found in any town 43 jonty 9th August 2011, 14:19
» by barrycat
EP Easy - Last 2 3 kellimod 9th August 2011, 14:10
» by greedy kite
Daily Record Tuesday 6 clell 9th August 2011, 13:03
» by the joker
my puzzle, just a try! 10 gina 9th August 2011, 12:50
» by ari
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