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answers all contain 'AND' 4 ejay 13th August 2011, 17:29
» by rml
times 2 938 4 jodac 13th August 2011, 17:16
» by jodac
DT 26629 - 17 down 2 almo 13th August 2011, 16:15
» by almo
938 cyptic 4 francis 13th August 2011, 16:11
» by francis
Why Muscadet (I think) for 10a? 4 dustbin lid 13th August 2011, 16:02
» by dustbin lid
Times Jumbo Cryptic 938 8 harpist 13th August 2011, 15:49
» by matron
Last one in DTGK PLEASE help 4 libbycat 13th August 2011, 15:28
» by barrycat
Times Jumbo 938 5 gj73 13th August 2011, 15:12
» by gj73
Times 24927 4 marydom 13th August 2011, 15:10
» by marydom
daily record 2 amapa 13th August 2011, 14:57
» by amapa
DT 26,630 - Last one 3 royal windsor 13th August 2011, 14:53
» by royal windsor
Special days e.g. CD - Commonwealth day 7 ejay 13th August 2011, 14:30
» by ejay
TLS 890 8 abi 13th August 2011, 14:21
» by abi
Guardian cryptic No 25,399 1 ulysses 13th August 2011, 14:18
» by rover
guardian prize 6 thomas 13th August 2011, 14:05
» by mrs grundy
Stuck on the last! 3 alane 13th August 2011, 13:55
» by alane
Guardian 25,400 17 me! 13th August 2011, 13:53
» by
Dessert names 3 nina 13th August 2011, 13:44
» by nina
Daily Record 7 cathie 13th August 2011, 13:36
» by mrs grundy
Guardian Prize 4 neko99 13th August 2011, 12:52
» by neko99
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