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times crypic 24922 2 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 8th August 2011, 14:10
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Sunday Mail,Seven Days,crossword 4 supergran 8th August 2011, 13:57
» by the joker
times 24921 2 nytram 8th August 2011, 13:29
» by nytram
DT26624 20D 1 bonzo 8th August 2011, 13:23
» by mustardseed
please help! last three questions! 10 gravy 8th August 2011, 12:54
» by muttley
Local paper last one 3 little daisy 8th August 2011, 12:49
» by little daisy
DM mon 4 monkey 8th August 2011, 12:41
» by muttley
stuck 7 jacmar 8th August 2011, 12:27
» by muttley
colours quiz 8 bigfoot 8th August 2011, 12:25
» by bigfoot
Polymath - last two!! 3 jeannie 8th August 2011, 12:12
» by jeannie
Express Monday crossword 2 aly 8th August 2011, 11:50
» by aly
sunday post cryptic 2 blueberry 8th August 2011, 09:23
» by blueberry
sunday mail 2 ronaldthomson 8th August 2011, 08:52
» by ronaldthomson
DT 26,624 6 dumbo 8th August 2011, 07:58
» by dumbo
Times2 Jumbo 457 7 hetty 8th August 2011, 06:31
» by hetty
poser of the day 49 the riddler 8th August 2011, 04:16
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
The Times Crossword 35 sammy 8th August 2011, 01:06
» by paul
MOS 1242 2 dimwitt 8th August 2011, 01:02
» by dimwitt
Times. 24.921. 25 ron 8th August 2011, 00:16
» by shb2
Times Jumbo Cryptic 937 (Last clue) 4 les40 7th August 2011, 23:14
» by les40
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