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daily mail fr 3 rallso 13th August 2011, 12:15
» by rallso
Times 24927 4 abi 13th August 2011, 12:12
» by abi
guardian prize 2 thomas 13th August 2011, 12:10
» by thomas
Daily Record Saturday 6 clell 13th August 2011, 11:54
» by clell
FT 13,771 7 bunty 13th August 2011, 11:20
» by miss scarlet
Word Link 3 jaksnandy 13th August 2011, 11:19
» by jaksnandy
Telegraph 26630 2 bellandme 13th August 2011, 11:19
» by bellandme
Times2 938 3 jazzgirl 13th August 2011, 11:06
» by jazzgirl
Herald General Knowledge 2 jaybee 13th August 2011, 11:01
» by jaybee
Sunday Times 749 The Australian 13.8.11 9 hapeedaze 13th August 2011, 10:57
» by sudokulover
Guardian 25,400 7 greedy kite 13th August 2011, 10:53
» by greedy kite
Guardian cryptic 2 perry 13th August 2011, 10:50
» by perry
RTE Guide Crossword No 33 8 kieros 13th August 2011, 10:33
» by greedy kite
Times Jumbo Cryptic 6 rover 13th August 2011, 07:50
» by rosalind
I HAVE 2 - EXPLANATION APPRECIATED 7 maurie1939 13th August 2011, 07:01
» by trevor
found in any town 9 jonty 13th August 2011, 06:22
» by jonty
Spectator 2026 9 ehf 13th August 2011, 01:23
» by ehf
This site. 53 hop o' my thumb 12th August 2011, 23:45
» by pastille
Lancashire Telegraph No 11886 3 meh 12th August 2011, 23:31
» by meh
MESSAGE FOR PASTILLE 3 wendy 12th August 2011, 22:49
» by pastille
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