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D/Rec Tues. Stuck last one. 2 jinty 11th August 2011, 10:30
» by jinty
Dr Tues 9th 2 joygeo 11th August 2011, 09:06
» by joygeo
Gable-End 1 ratata007 11th August 2011, 00:17
» by the joker
HELP PLEASE - AGAIN 1 maurie1939 10th August 2011, 23:58
» by the joker
HELP THANKS 3 maurie1939 10th August 2011, 23:36
» by les40
Daily Mail Wednesday 3 crypticvirgin 10th August 2011, 23:22
» by crypticvirgin
times2 No5538 2 anna 10th August 2011, 23:15
» by anna
union mag 8 ann - bristol 10th August 2011, 21:26
» by wendy
times crypic 24924 5 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 10th August 2011, 20:45
» by wendy
Times Jumbo cryptic 937 2 ava 10th August 2011, 17:29
» by ava
dm wed 3 emf 10th August 2011, 15:46
» by emf
Irish News 4 tonta 10th August 2011, 15:31
» by tonta
DM Tues 5 monroe 10th August 2011, 14:57
» by monroe
Times Cryptic 937 7 bella 10th August 2011, 14:51
» by bella
"Fish without the chips" 5 cleo 10th August 2011, 13:33
» by cleo
local paper 2 tinkerbell 10th August 2011, 12:22
» by tinkerbell
HELP HELP....... 3 kieros 10th August 2011, 10:07
» by kieros
Daily Record Tues. 2 supergran 10th August 2011, 08:28
» by supergran
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 1 pooksahib 10th August 2011, 07:47
» by tony
The Week 760 2 bronte 10th August 2011, 07:45
» by tony
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