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Guardian cryptic No 25,399 2 ulysses 12th August 2011, 22:26
» by mamya
Guardian cryptic No 25,399 2 ulysses 12th August 2011, 22:14
» by pastille
A defination... 6 blacksheep007 12th August 2011, 21:00
» by tonyw
Old Times cryptic 3 rover 12th August 2011, 20:03
» by rover
Times Jumbo Cryptic 937 2 rover 12th August 2011, 19:38
» by rover
Not about crosswords but very topical 41 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 12th August 2011, 17:57
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
My visit to the Zoo 7 duke 12th August 2011, 17:06
» by ernie
DM Fri 5 monroe 12th August 2011, 16:47
» by monroe
CLUELESS 20 39 ab 12th August 2011, 16:42
» by wendy
The Week 761 2 bronte 12th August 2011, 16:33
» by bronte
i cryptic 2 jaybee 12th August 2011, 16:30
» by jaybee
Johannesburg Crosswords 3 aux one 12th August 2011, 16:12
» by wendy
DM Weds 13 monroe 12th August 2011, 16:10
» by monroe
DM FRI 4 hanover bob 12th August 2011, 13:51
» by chrisg
Daily Telegraph 3 ralph 12th August 2011, 10:02
» by ralph
DT 26624 T--I 2 billy,naas 12th August 2011, 09:15
» by billy,naas
Upper Crust 13 angie 12th August 2011, 08:42
» by angie
CRYPTIC PLACES 38 gardengirl 12th August 2011, 07:53
» by gardengirl
HELP AND EXPLANATION APPRECIATED 3 maurie1939 12th August 2011, 03:00
» by blue moon
dm thurs Help please 7 youngalexrob 11th August 2011, 23:32
» by youngalexrob
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