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SE Skeleton 1 alanjames 14th August 2011, 10:09
» by chrisg
DT 26,630 4 mikey 14th August 2011, 10:08
» by mikey
Jumbo 938 cryptic 3 jazzgirl 14th August 2011, 10:05
» by jazzgirl
Telegraph Toughie 612 4 john45 14th August 2011, 10:04
» by john45
everyman3385 2 bert 14th August 2011, 09:53
» by bert
Jumbo 938 cryptic 2 dandelion 14th August 2011, 09:36
» by dandelion
cryptic 938 1 verona 14th August 2011, 09:27
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
times jumbo cryptic 938 2 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 14th August 2011, 09:25
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
timesjumbo938 3 catsmum 14th August 2011, 09:17
» by catsmum
Times 2 Jumbo crossword 938 3 marlene 14th August 2011, 09:13
» by catsmum
Times 938 2 stan 14th August 2011, 08:33
» by stan
Sunday Times 749 The Australian 13.8.11 8 hapeedaze 14th August 2011, 08:28
» by hapeedaze
ME AGAIN 2 maurie1939 14th August 2011, 03:54
» by maurie1939
irish news last one 3 amb 13th August 2011, 23:19
» by helenb
Aristophanes 3 helenb 13th August 2011, 23:17
» by helenb
times 938 3 campbell clarke 13th August 2011, 23:14
» by campbell clarke
sentence contains cities/towns in uk & ireland 2 jojo 13th August 2011, 22:36
» by joval
times 938 2 campbell clarke 13th August 2011, 22:31
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Sat Times 24,927 7 les40 13th August 2011, 22:30
» by shb2
Irish News Cryptic 3 phil123 13th August 2011, 21:52
» by phil123
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