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Inquisitor 1189 3 indy-trier 15th August 2011, 09:42
» by jws
Paul.... 2 pastille 15th August 2011, 08:55
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Sunday Times 749 in the Aus 3 mouse 15th August 2011, 08:10
» by mouse
Sun Telegraph (EV) 5 rosie 15th August 2011, 00:15
» by tony
sunday post 4 blueberry 14th August 2011, 22:33
» by blueberry
Sunday Post cryptic 2 nomimalone 14th August 2011, 22:10
» by nomimalone
Sunday post cryptic 2 blueberry 14th August 2011, 22:09
» by blueberry
unlocked 24 annemarie 14th August 2011, 21:37
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Times 24927 10 enigma 14th August 2011, 20:58
» by ari
ST4446 2 cleopatra 14th August 2011, 20:21
» by cleopatra
sunday post easy 2 lorna 14th August 2011, 20:11
» by lorna
ST4446 2 angie q 14th August 2011, 19:44
» by angie q
Time 2 Jumbo 938 2 dumblix 14th August 2011, 19:44
» by dumblix
Times Jumbo 938 2 jen 14th August 2011, 19:11
» by jen
i cryptic crossword 3 bensnan 14th August 2011, 18:34
» by bensnan
the sun 1 stu 14th August 2011, 18:34
» by sudokulover
Dundee Courier Cryptic 5 joval 14th August 2011, 18:24
» by joval
Times cryptic 938 8 mrsp 14th August 2011, 18:24
» by rosalind
Guardian 25,400 13 mscross 14th August 2011, 18:12
» by septicsceptic
DR £500. Sat 2 annag 14th August 2011, 18:09
» by annag
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