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Jumbo Cryptic 938 4 bella 16th August 2011, 13:29
» by bella
Times Jumbo Cryptic 938 - 6dn 3 peters 16th August 2011, 13:27
» by peters
Are we safe now? 10 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 16th August 2011, 13:14
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
link word 3 marge 16th August 2011, 13:13
» by marge
Flowers quiz 10 jazz 16th August 2011, 13:11
» by jazz
Irish News Cryptic 3 phil123 16th August 2011, 12:52
» by phil123
Local Paper. 5 ron 16th August 2011, 12:39
» by ron
TIMES JUMBO 938 2 rebus 16th August 2011, 12:35
» by rebus
DM Tues 3 smb 16th August 2011, 11:03
» by terry as was
jinty 3 jinty 16th August 2011, 10:47
» by julie, aberdeen
Times Jumbo Cryptic 938 3 granite 16th August 2011, 09:47
» by granite
Spectator 2025 link? 40 barryjbutler 16th August 2011, 02:20
» by cottager
Mephisto2659 9 one down 16th August 2011, 01:11
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
ST 749 Australian 5 rob23 16th August 2011, 00:18
» by rob23
rover 1 iamme 16th August 2011, 00:18
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Times cryptic 24.928 12 shb2 15th August 2011, 23:46
» by shb2
hoping for help 7 tenor 15th August 2011, 23:17
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Sat Times 24927 4 tyrone 15th August 2011, 22:16
» by tyrone
place names british isles 19 jojo 15th August 2011, 22:13
» by jojo
help for the canuck 8 cana-da 15th August 2011, 22:07
» by the joker
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