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Just for fun 3 brahan 6th June 2020, 20:40
» by brahan
Phoenix Magazine June 5th 2020 3 kay633 6th June 2020, 19:25
» by chrise
Saturday Times No 27,684 2 rogerjw 6th June 2020, 19:04
» by spoffy
TIMES 27,684 5 gooner 6th June 2020, 16:00
» by malone
PEER REVIEW 440 63 geevo41 6th June 2020, 13:16
» by paul
DM cryptic 5 June 2 whetstone 6th June 2020, 11:59
» by whetstone
Scotsman 7 tomshieboy 6th June 2020, 11:56
» by tomshieboy
Western Mail 4/6 (newbie help) 4 eckosierra 5th June 2020, 21:14
» by brendan
Times Cryptic Jumbo 1443 12 bobbycollins 5th June 2020, 20:45
» by malone
Scotsman 3 tomshieboy 5th June 2020, 16:54
» by tomshieboy
EV 1437 46 cockie 5th June 2020, 16:23
» by brendan
The Week 1211 3 tinkertony 4th June 2020, 23:38
» by brendan
Alphapuzzle today 2 kimbobimbo 4th June 2020, 16:17
» by kimbobimbo
Guardian Prize 28,147 72 brendan 4th June 2020, 14:07
» by brendan
Clueless 477 45 bigbadmarty2 4th June 2020, 10:25
» by fieryjack
Alphapuzzle Wednesday 1 shakey 4th June 2020, 10:16
» by stevie gee
Eye 678 5 loubyloo10 3rd June 2020, 17:59
» by loubyloo10
EV 1435 47 brendan 3rd June 2020, 17:42
» by drxx
Guardian 28150 17 lumen 3rd June 2020, 17:25
» by malone
Daily Cryptic June 2, 2020 "US star . . ." 2 johnt54 3rd June 2020, 15:39
» by johnt54
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