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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Spectator 2461 19 macman 16th June 2020, 10:03
» by malone
Weekend Peer Review 32 60 mattrom 15th June 2020, 23:20
» by paul
Times Jumbo 1445 8 bigbertha 15th June 2020, 19:01
» by malone
Sat telegraph29389 3 gillysgaff 15th June 2020, 11:53
» by malone
Guardian Prize 28,159 65 brendan 15th June 2020, 11:25
» by rossim
Everyman 3844 30 matador 15th June 2020, 10:33
» by eviltony
Wee Stinker 13/06/2020 7 timdownieuk 15th June 2020, 09:27
» by mildred
ST 4907 5 paulhabershon 15th June 2020, 09:03
» by malone
scottish daily record tuesday june 9 3 annilee 14th June 2020, 19:43
» by annilee
Telegraph book 2 kitkat 14th June 2020, 16:56
» by kitkat
St4907 2 pollyanna 14th June 2020, 14:55
» by pollyanna
ST 4907 2 grimalkin 14th June 2020, 13:38
» by grimalkin
Wall Street Journal 20200613 7 syzygy 14th June 2020, 13:29
» by rosalind
Prospect Generalist July 2 xwordfan 14th June 2020, 11:06
» by xwordfan
Times Jumbo 1445 15 anriard 14th June 2020, 10:18
» by stevie gee
Cryptic Pop 8 prue23 14th June 2020, 09:36
» by prue23
PEER REVIEW 441 78 mattrom 14th June 2020, 08:22
» by chrise
Times jumbo cryptic 1445 2 janephilip 13th June 2020, 19:00
» by rusty
YP 1789 2 cooks07 13th June 2020, 17:49
» by cooks07
Times Cryptic Jumbo 1445 1 grahamr 13th June 2020, 17:19
» by stevie gee
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