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Times cryptic jumbo 1443 8 janephilip 31st May 2020, 13:07
» by gareth235
Fun puzzle 1 brahan 31st May 2020, 09:44
» by geevo41
ST Cryptic 4905 2 anriard 31st May 2020, 09:41
» by anriard
times 27678 8dn 3 penda 30th May 2020, 20:10
» by penda
PEER REVIEW 439 59 bigbadmarty2 30th May 2020, 18:45
» by penda
YP1787 5 yorkie 30th May 2020, 13:45
» by jafo
YP 1787 2 linton 30th May 2020, 10:20
» by stevie gee
crossword clue local newspaper 3 bert 30th May 2020, 10:05
» by spoffy
TLS 1328 5 xwordfan 30th May 2020, 09:30
» by xwordfan
Spectator 2459 7 alwayspuzzled 30th May 2020, 06:00
» by piffleworthy
9 kay B4 you go (clue) 0 iambalrog 30th May 2020, 05:46
» by iambalrog
Be a tiger, catman, Howl 2 iambalrog 30th May 2020, 05:39
» by iambalrog
Listener 4609 1 simplesimon 29th May 2020, 22:26
» by unclued
Sundays Sun, sunday puzzles, may 24th 2 annilee 29th May 2020, 21:18
» by annilee
Sundays Sun, sunday puzzles, may 24th 6 annilee 29th May 2020, 21:16
» by annilee
Linkword 1 rays 29th May 2020, 18:10
» by rays
i2904 by Anax 4 david w 29th May 2020, 17:31
» by david w
sundays Sun, sunday puzzles, may 24th 0 annilee 29th May 2020, 17:06
» by annilee
RT 20 4 bees 29th May 2020, 16:08
» by elle
New Zealand Herald 2 jayne 28th May 2020, 22:14
» by jayne
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