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funday Tuesday daily record Tuesday may 26th 2 annilee 28th May 2020, 21:30
» by annilee
Fishing 3 kingfisher 28th May 2020, 19:10
» by cerasus
Fishing 3 kingfisher 28th May 2020, 18:32
» by kingfisher
Clueless 476 71 dorrien 28th May 2020, 15:39
» by jws
Tmes Cryptic 1441 Parse 3 tango 28th May 2020, 15:11
» by tango
Times Cryptic 1441 10 despard 28th May 2020, 15:11
» by cerasus
PERSONAL CHATTY THREADS 30768 norah (admin) 28th May 2020, 12:17
» by pigale
LISTENER 4608 100 tatters 28th May 2020, 11:06
» by birduder344
daily record, fun day tuesday may 26th 3 annilee 27th May 2020, 23:54
» by brendan
puzzled by parsing (again) ST 4904 3 bellakemp 27th May 2020, 23:52
» by bellakemp
Times 27675 2 strangelybrown 27th May 2020, 18:48
» by strangelybrown
animal quiz c/d 3rd july 7 brainless 27th May 2020, 13:37
» by chrise
Vowels missing 3 susie 27th May 2020, 12:46
» by quiztime
Times 27672 1 bigdave1954 26th May 2020, 21:42
» by bigdave1954
Viz296 care possible rude words 14 woodshederic2 26th May 2020, 19:28
» by mattrom
St4904 last one help needed 3 steve 26th May 2020, 17:44
» by steve
Cryptic Quiz - Illness or Health Problem 0 crossray 26th May 2020, 17:05
» by crossray
Scotsman 2 tomshieboy 26th May 2020, 16:29
» by tomshieboy
LISTENER 4607 110 tatters 26th May 2020, 15:41
» by jif73
Magpie sample Atlantic by Mordred 6 fgsltw 26th May 2020, 15:06
» by fgsltw
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