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HELLO! 29 pigale 26th May 2020, 15:03
» by pigale
Puzzled on ST 4904 what on earth is this about? 4 bellakemp 26th May 2020, 14:58
» by normski
Parse please 9 kfirst 26th May 2020, 13:40
» by malone
daily record tuesday 19th march 8 annilee 26th May 2020, 00:06
» by quisling
Help! Tricky clues in a friend's lockdown game 0 iambalrog 25th May 2020, 23:13
» by iambalrog
@ wintonia or tatters 7 penda 25th May 2020, 20:10
» by penda
Times Jumbo 1442 2 anriard 25th May 2020, 17:13
» by anriard
Times jumbo 1441 2 trevsmif 25th May 2020, 17:11
» by trevsmif
Weekend Peer Review 29 61 mattrom 25th May 2020, 13:38
» by chrise
Times Jumbo 1441 3 philm 25th May 2020, 11:20
» by philm
Harpers 2020-06 puzzle 25 syzygy 25th May 2020, 02:07
» by ginge
mephisto 3117 2 phantom 24th May 2020, 22:34
» by phantom
1960's group or singer 7 snowball 24th May 2020, 22:11
» by quiztime
Inquisitor 1648 78 fgsltw 24th May 2020, 21:20
» by gazzar
Sunday Express Skeleton 2 hereward 24th May 2020, 19:04
» by hereward
'i' cryptic 2899 5 ratselhaft 24th May 2020, 17:19
» by ratselhaft
Times Jumbo 1441 11 strangelybrown 24th May 2020, 17:14
» by strangelybrown
Wee Stinker 23/05/2020 16 timdownieuk 24th May 2020, 15:01
» by skyewalker
Everyman 3,841 40 brendan 24th May 2020, 14:43
» by elle
@ elle 4 chrise 24th May 2020, 14:32
» by chrise
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