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i 2924 3 david w 22nd June 2020, 14:51
» by malone
In its entirety; thoroughly 3 rosemarygreer 22nd June 2020, 14:06
» by stevie gee
4 words , 4 1 2 1, clue in it's entirety ;thoroughly 1 houstonvilla 22nd June 2020, 12:49
» by stevie gee
Weekend Peer Review 33 70 tyke51 22nd June 2020, 09:31
» by fieryjack
ETHICS for CLUES 4 hannah 22nd June 2020, 06:48
» by malone
Guardian Prize 28,165 44 brendan 22nd June 2020, 00:08
» by bagheera33
Sunday Express Skeleton 4 ian 21st June 2020, 21:56
» by malone
Everyman 3,845 30 brendan 21st June 2020, 19:32
» by jvector
ST times 27695 2 moatrat 21st June 2020, 14:04
» by moatrat
Inquisitor 1652 37 tonynannini 21st June 2020, 13:18
» by nelson
4 words , 4 1 2 1, clue in it's entirety ;thoroughly 2 houstonvilla 21st June 2020, 13:09
» by pamnalfie
TO 1790 2 cooks07 21st June 2020, 12:10
» by cooks07
ST 4908 4 anriard 21st June 2020, 11:21
» by anriard
funday Tuesday Scottish daily record, June 16 8 annilee 21st June 2020, 01:40
» by mamya
Spectator 2462 18 alwayspuzzled 20th June 2020, 22:19
» by farr
Sat alpha puzzle 2 landy 20th June 2020, 15:41
» by landy
St 29395 3 gillysgaff 20th June 2020, 15:09
» by malone
LISTENER 4609 164 tatters 20th June 2020, 14:24
» by beerbore
Peer Review 442 73 jafo 20th June 2020, 11:20
» by fieryjack
Linkword 3 rays 20th June 2020, 10:15
» by chrise
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