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EYE 709 15 johnt 24th August 2021, 14:16
» by malone
Camping and Caravanning - September 2 loopy loo 24th August 2021, 11:10
» by mattrom
LISTENER 4673 - ANSWERS ONLY 2 malone 24th August 2021, 03:58
» by buzzb
LISTENER 4673 - Hints and Discussion, NO ANSWERS 53 malone 23rd August 2021, 21:02
» by notnil
Inquisitor 1713 28 jogamel 23rd August 2021, 18:51
» by bobbycollins
i 3289 by Hoskins 5 david w 23rd August 2021, 17:48
» by jono
Weekend Peer Review 94 58 mattrom 23rd August 2021, 10:46
» by fieryjack
Sunday Times Cryptic 4969 15 kenhiggs 23rd August 2021, 09:38
» by steve
(A-L) Answers up to Clueless 540, Peer Review 502, Weekend Peer Review 94 0 mattrom 23rd August 2021, 03:01
» by mattrom
(M-Z) Answers up to Clueless 540, Peer Review 502, Weekend Peer Review 94 0 mattrom 23rd August 2021, 02:54
» by mattrom
Sunay Express Skeleton 2 myla 22nd August 2021, 19:48
» by myla
Times 28,062 9 rogerjw 22nd August 2021, 17:14
» by norah (admin)
Azed 2567 1 cathco 22nd August 2021, 15:55
» by buddy
LISTENER 4672 - ANSWERS ONLY 66 malone 22nd August 2021, 15:12
» by lofthouse
Spectator 2520 8 cocobunny 22nd August 2021, 12:03
» by cocobunny
Superquick 1022 2 wontel 22nd August 2021, 11:15
» by wontel
EV 1500 7 brendan 21st August 2021, 20:26
» by fred108
Linkword 3 rays 21st August 2021, 20:13
» by rays
Answer from another puzzle 4 ann - bristol 21st August 2021, 19:59
» by ann - bristol
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1513 4 grahamr 21st August 2021, 15:27
» by jazzgirl
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