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RT 44 3 phil 123 1st November 2021, 10:56
» by phil 123
TIMES 28,122 21 gooner 31st October 2021, 22:10
» by zinc
Guardian Prize 28,590 111 brendan 31st October 2021, 20:12
» by tonystock
Sunday Telegraph Cryptic 3132 2 fred108 31st October 2021, 19:11
» by fred108
YP 1861 2 linton 31st October 2021, 18:09
» by jono
Viz 310 - Caution PG 24 hastings69 31st October 2021, 18:07
» by bigev
Everyman 3,916 56 paradigmshifter 31st October 2021, 17:46
» by julieanne
Everyman 3,915 49 geeker 31st October 2021, 13:44
» by paradigmshifter
Peer Review 512 72 jono 30th October 2021, 12:41
» by fieryjack
The Times Cryptic - PREVIOUS PUZZLES 45 whetstone 29th October 2021, 21:51
» by whetstone
Phrases/Sayings with Vowels Removed 2 hotporkroll 29th October 2021, 20:42
» by hotporkroll
LISTENER 4682,ANSWERS* Only 214 malone 29th October 2021, 18:57
» by dsc
Times Jumbo 1523 8 strangelybrown 29th October 2021, 12:13
» by jono
EV 1510 29 bunty 28th October 2021, 20:58
» by cloverjo
Clueless 550 51 geeker 28th October 2021, 12:28
» by geeker
RTE 43 and RT 43 5 laurel 28th October 2021, 08:30
» by norah (admin)
LISTENER 4682. Hints and Discussion, NO ANSWERS 12 malone 28th October 2021, 03:01
» by mooncow
Times Quick Cryptic 1992 2 penda 27th October 2021, 21:40
» by quisling
Everyman 3905 2 julieanne 27th October 2021, 20:42
» by julieanne
People with a Colour in their Name 8 quizmad 27th October 2021, 17:44
» by quizmad
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