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Everyman 3912 32 biggus56 17th October 2021, 08:33
» by nickos20
LISTENER 4680, ANSWERS* ONLY 122 malone 16th October 2021, 19:45
» by ortolan
Weekend Scotsman 3 tomshieboy 16th October 2021, 12:45
» by quisling
I cryptic 3336 4 thomas 16th October 2021, 12:43
» by norah (admin)
TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 1521 8 gooner 16th October 2021, 10:35
» by malone
Peer Review 510 47 jono 16th October 2021, 10:31
» by patrick27
Anyone have access to full OED? 16 rosalind 16th October 2021, 10:25
» by malone
Wee Stinker 3 mildred 16th October 2021, 10:10
» by malone
Private Eye 713 16 telboy1999 16th October 2021, 03:20
» by geeker
Spectator 2528 12 itsme 15th October 2021, 14:30
» by malone
Barred Puzzles 14 brendan 15th October 2021, 09:45
» by kt17
Spectator 2527 17 peter284 15th October 2021, 07:19
» by eeevanwok
LISTENER 4680, Hints and Discussion, NO ANSWERS 32 malone 14th October 2021, 21:47
» by smellyharry
Interesting discussion Post 5 onwards. POSTING GUIDELINES - Updated October 2021. 48 norah (admin) 14th October 2021, 10:48
» by norah (admin)
Clueless 548 40 paulhabershon 14th October 2021, 10:22
» by fieryjack
Private Crossword - Parsing help please 2 rog62 13th October 2021, 10:31
» by rog62
@ Norah - Bannings 5 granama1 13th October 2021, 10:12
» by norah (admin)
Wall Street Journal 20211009 5 syzygy 12th October 2021, 12:30
» by kt17
Genius 220 63 mattrom 12th October 2021, 09:47
» by drxx
EV 1508 6 cockie 11th October 2021, 20:02
» by cloverjo
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