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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Sunday Times 4981 3 madam 15th November 2021, 12:02
» by madam
Everyman 3,918 60 geeker 15th November 2021, 10:35
» by jimboreid
IQ 1725 9 nelson 14th November 2021, 21:17
» by lumen
LISTENER 4683, ANSWERS* ONLY 110 malone 14th November 2021, 20:48
» by mooncow
Genius 221 40 vandergraaf 14th November 2021, 19:34
» by agricola
Spectator 2532 3 cocobunny 14th November 2021, 15:11
» by cocobunny
TIMES 28,134 12 gooner 14th November 2021, 11:55
» by malone
Local Magazine 8 yorkie 13th November 2021, 23:41
» by yorkie
Guardian Prize 28,602 47 brendan 13th November 2021, 21:45
» by paradigmshifter
FT Weekend 565 8 spj 13th November 2021, 18:07
» by spj
PEER REVIEW 514 84 jono 13th November 2021, 12:16
» by rossim
Wall Street Journal 20211106 3 syzygy 12th November 2021, 14:47
» by kt17
CLUELESS 552 59 mattrom 11th November 2021, 10:44
» by fieryjack
LISTENER 4684, ANSWERS (IF REQUESTED) 38 malone 10th November 2021, 20:34
» by williamseal
Private Crossword 26 ejs 10th November 2021, 09:42
» by norah (admin)
Rte Guide Crossword 46 4 laurel 10th November 2021, 09:37
» by jazzgirl
Guardian Prize 28,596 84 geeker 10th November 2021, 07:43
» by hmmm
Inquisitor 1724 20 gitto 9th November 2021, 18:39
» by brendan
LISTENER 4683, Hints and Discussion, NO ANSWERS 12 malone 8th November 2021, 15:50
» by jack aubrey
Guardian Prize 28,590 18 timbergski 8th November 2021, 15:21
» by timbergski
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