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Private Eye 716 23 cheetah 28th November 2021, 12:37
» by sealionsteve
SMILE UK Towns and Cities 4 itsme 28th November 2021, 12:36
» by itsme
Sunday Express - Ultimate Alphbeater 0 briomatic 28th November 2021, 11:42
» by briomatic
PEER REVIEW 516 99 peterm 27th November 2021, 19:22
» by jws
LISTENER 4687, EXTRA HELP 33 norah (admin) 27th November 2021, 19:16
» by felipedon
EDUCATE 2 linton 27th November 2021, 11:44
» by linton
TIMES 28,146 2 gooner 27th November 2021, 10:35
» by gooner
i crossword 3370 3 hugew 26th November 2021, 22:19
» by hugew
Everyman 3,919 71 geeker 26th November 2021, 18:52
» by geeker
Rambler Magazine 2 ann - bristol 26th November 2021, 12:31
» by ann - bristol
Harpers 2021-12 8 syzygy 26th November 2021, 11:09
» by ginge
Which 2 john45 25th November 2021, 10:24
» by john45
CLUELESS 554 52 buddy 25th November 2021, 02:26
» by aristophanes
SAGA December 4 trelos1 24th November 2021, 16:29
» by malone
LISTENER 4685, ANSWERS (IF REQUESTED) 130 malone 23rd November 2021, 19:04
» by mdmaylwin
Spectator 2533 6 will37 23rd November 2021, 11:35
» by patrich
LISTENER 4686, Hints and Discussion, NO ANSWERS 19 malone 22nd November 2021, 17:47
» by jif73
Enigmatic Variations 1514 11 malone 22nd November 2021, 13:59
» by brendan
WEEKEND PEER REVIEW 107 65 buddy 22nd November 2021, 08:39
» by chrise
(A-L) Answers up to Clueless 553, Peer Review 515, Weekend Peer Review 107 0 mattrom 22nd November 2021, 02:03
» by mattrom
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