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Times cryptic jumbo 1294 2 alland 23rd November 2017, 13:41
» by alland
i Cryptic 2120 7 diablos 23rd November 2017, 11:26
» by elle
ALPHAPUZZLE NOV. 22nd 4 summerfly 23rd November 2017, 07:50
» by malone
RTE Guide no. 48 2 laurel 22nd November 2017, 22:44
» by rusty
Cricket Help 4 flambelle 22nd November 2017, 20:50
» by escher
Tls 1201 3 ruby7 22nd November 2017, 19:42
» by mamya
F T 15710 4 april 22nd November 2017, 16:31
» by rusty
RT 48 14 chrise 22nd November 2017, 15:55
» by mondrian
i Cryptic 2119 16 diablos 22nd November 2017, 12:25
» by diablos
Cryptic 1294 6 janiceh 21st November 2017, 23:56
» by janiceh
Harpers 2017-11 puzzle 9 syzygy 21st November 2017, 23:11
» by aristophanes
Daily Record Tues 21/11/17 1 gran 21st November 2017, 22:00
» by mamya
Times 26886 2 bigdave1954 21st November 2017, 20:56
» by brendan
Private Eye Cryptic 612 4 jaygray 21st November 2017, 20:43
» by jaygray
Alpha puzzle 3 yidreg77 21st November 2017, 19:26
» by yidreg77
Times Sat 26,886 3 hal o the wynd 21st November 2017, 17:54
» by hal o the wynd
Daily record. Tues 2 jinty 21st November 2017, 16:29
» by jinty
@ Norah/Ash 11 pigale 21st November 2017, 16:22
» by norah (admin)
@pigale re Clueless 4 chrise 21st November 2017, 15:39
» by chrise
Hannah the bird bird 3 hannah 21st November 2017, 11:51
» by hannah
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