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Times Jumbo Cryptic 1301 3 pollyflinders 30th December 2017, 15:19
» by chrise
I cryptic 8 thomas 30th December 2017, 14:09
» by shooty
GH GK 3 alasdair 30th December 2017, 13:45
» by alasdair
SWEPost Cryptic 2 colin (swansea jack) 30th December 2017, 11:21
» by colin (swansea jack)
YP 1661 1 linton 30th December 2017, 10:26
» by elle
Times 2 1301 2 yadboh 30th December 2017, 09:04
» by yadboh
Private Eye 615 2 jockguy 30th December 2017, 00:23
» by elle
Getting from A to B - Transport quiz 5 crossray 29th December 2017, 21:36
» by mamya
Private Eye 615 6 thetoad 29th December 2017, 21:31
» by malone
LINKWORD 4 rays 29th December 2017, 20:10
» by rays
Irish Times Chequered Flag Crosword 4 cwballer 29th December 2017, 19:33
» by kellierit
LINKWORD 0 rays 29th December 2017, 18:10
» by rays
Stars of film theatre, TV 2 emo 29th December 2017, 18:02
» by emo
Sunday Ife 6 ravel 29th December 2017, 17:26
» by cerasus
christmas 4 quizmad 29th December 2017, 15:41
» by quizmad
I cryptic 3 thomas 29th December 2017, 14:38
» by thomas
i Cryptic 2150 4 diablos 29th December 2017, 13:56
» by diablos
BUBBLE BROTHERS 4 lmairead 29th December 2017, 13:11
» by lmairead
I cryptic 5 thomas 29th December 2017, 13:02
» by cerasus
Cryptic1299 4 janiceh 29th December 2017, 11:44
» by cerasus
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