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I cryptic 6 thomas 27th February 2018, 23:05
» by rusty
another 11 letter bird + one 9 hannah 27th February 2018, 23:04
» by rusty
RTE Guide No 9 3 kate 27th February 2018, 17:08
» by tyke51
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 24 ollyblue 27th February 2018, 16:16
» by jazzgirl
just checking 1 sasha 27th February 2018, 15:11
» by chrisg
Mephisto 2 april 27th February 2018, 14:32
» by mamya
The week 1095 6 tinkertony 27th February 2018, 13:15
» by rusty
Enigmatic 1319 2 joycie 27th February 2018, 11:13
» by joycie
i Cryptic 2201 8 diablos 27th February 2018, 10:53
» by diablos
I cryptic 4 thomas 27th February 2018, 10:23
» by rusty
Ordinal 8 cbp 27th February 2018, 09:31
» by jazzgirl
Sunday Herald 25/2/18 6 charley the monkey 26th February 2018, 21:21
» by charley the monkey
Rambler magazine 4 ann - bristol 26th February 2018, 19:28
» by brendan
Wee Stinker 25 dunderheid 26th February 2018, 17:54
» by andyb
Guardian 27441 35 barny 26th February 2018, 15:55
» by playbus
Dutch playing away? Help needed please 5 orielh 26th February 2018, 14:59
» by zozozo
Times 26970 3 rozbogs 26th February 2018, 14:34
» by rozbogs
Two Words With One Letter Different 8 flambelle 26th February 2018, 14:12
» by flambelle
Times Jumbo Cryptic No 1310. 4 mondy 26th February 2018, 13:00
» by mondy
13 across Scotsman3280 6 jude52s 26th February 2018, 12:22
» by chrise
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