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Everyman 1 thomas 25th February 2018, 11:52
» by elle
Listener Crossword 4490 125 dylan 25th February 2018, 11:35
» by catkin
ST4787 5 ravinelli 25th February 2018, 11:18
» by grimalkin
i Cryptic 2199 5 diablos 25th February 2018, 10:59
» by cerasus
Times Jumbo 1310 cryptic 3 rocketman 25th February 2018, 10:47
» by rusty
ST 4787 4 hallgreening 25th February 2018, 09:35
» by hallgreening
Saturday's alphapuzzle 1 cat55 25th February 2018, 09:30
» by jazzgirl
local crossword 4 mirador 24th February 2018, 22:15
» by mirador
Peer Review 232 58 pigale 24th February 2018, 21:16
» by pigale
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 2 ollyblue 24th February 2018, 19:43
» by ollyblue
local crossword 2 mirador 24th February 2018, 19:04
» by mirador
YP 1669 2 cooks07 24th February 2018, 16:35
» by cooks07
SAGA MARCH 9 trelos1 24th February 2018, 15:17
» by shooty
YP 1669 10 linton 24th February 2018, 15:00
» by chrise
Times cryptic 1310 2 kazwat 24th February 2018, 11:53
» by kazwat
SAT TIMES 26,970 2 hallgreening 24th February 2018, 11:52
» by hallgreening
YP 1669 2 linton 24th February 2018, 11:24
» by yorkie
DM Friday 2 peg y don 24th February 2018, 11:18
» by peg y don
i Cryptic 2199 8 diablos 24th February 2018, 09:58
» by chrise
Times 2 1310 3 yadboh 24th February 2018, 09:30
» by yadboh
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