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Northern?region? Can't crack Times27024 7d 3 madam 1st May 2018, 06:46
» by malone
a number of incomprensible answers 3 blortch1 1st May 2018, 02:32
» by blortch1
ST 4796 2 ftsalmon 30th April 2018, 20:21
» by ftsalmon
times jumbo cryptic 1320 5 down 4 samleaning 30th April 2018, 19:39
» by timdownieuk
RT 18 4 bees 30th April 2018, 16:10
» by bees
The Learning Curve 174 rigby 30th April 2018, 15:55
» by loobylooby
Ditloids 5 susie 30th April 2018, 15:12
» by susie
I cryptic 3 thomas 30th April 2018, 12:14
» by mamya
i Cryptic 2254 1 diablos 30th April 2018, 10:58
» by jazzgirl
i Cryptic 2254 6 diablos 30th April 2018, 10:57
» by diablos
Azed 2394 4 cedric 30th April 2018, 10:49
» by cedric
ST4796 7 anriard 30th April 2018, 09:59
» by rusty
Times 27,024 4 ftsalmon 30th April 2018, 08:23
» by ftsalmon
Seven Days 4 pisces 29th April 2018, 22:27
» by pisces
ST 4796 3 scribbler 29th April 2018, 21:45
» by scribbler
Everyman 3733 3 droog 29th April 2018, 21:13
» by droog
Times Jumbo 1320 3 mtthebin 29th April 2018, 20:07
» by mtthebin
Creatures 6 susie 29th April 2018, 20:04
» by susie
ST 4796 3 markymark 29th April 2018, 18:55
» by malone
Times Jumbo 1320 55 across 3 cannyannie 29th April 2018, 18:02
» by cannyannie
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