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Azed 2396 4 xwordfan 14th May 2018, 18:33
» by elle
S/mail £100 crossword 3 jinty 14th May 2018, 18:28
» by jinty
DT monday prize 4D 3 geoff marbella 14th May 2018, 18:10
» by cerasus
SWEPost Cryptic 5 colin (swansea jack) 14th May 2018, 16:15
» by rusty
rte 20 3 eibhlin 14th May 2018, 15:23
» by malone
Skeleton Sunday Express 2 birthday girl 14th May 2018, 14:50
» by xwordfan
Wee Stinker 25 john 14th May 2018, 14:22
» by helga
I crptic 4 thomas 14th May 2018, 11:49
» by thomas
ST4798 3 63acornwall 14th May 2018, 10:44
» by elle
i Cryptic 2266 12 diablos 14th May 2018, 10:41
» by diablos
I cryptic 2 thomas 14th May 2018, 10:12
» by thomas
Sunday Herald 13/5 5 chantho 14th May 2018, 10:07
» by stevie gee
Times Jumbo cryptic 1323, 56 across and 45 down 3 alland 14th May 2018, 08:07
» by alland
Times Jumbo cryptic 1323, 56 across and 45 down 3 alland 13th May 2018, 23:17
» by rossim
Pub Name 2 titus 13th May 2018, 23:13
» by titus
Mammals 4 ernie 13th May 2018, 23:05
» by ernie
Rte guide no 20,may 2018 3 theo 13th May 2018, 23:03
» by rusty
ditloid quiz 4 jintyw 13th May 2018, 22:40
» by elle
FT 15856 by Mudd 3 laurel 13th May 2018, 20:31
» by laurel
FT Polymath 969 12May 2 cresson 13th May 2018, 20:25
» by cresson
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