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Sunday Express Skeleton 2 hereward 20th May 2018, 14:59
» by hereward
Everyman 8 thomas 20th May 2018, 11:45
» by thomas
Times 2 1324 4 magworth 20th May 2018, 10:32
» by magworth
ST 4799 3 hallgreening 20th May 2018, 10:29
» by hallgreening
guardian prize 27, 513 6 roof 19th May 2018, 23:53
» by roof
TIMES JUMBO 1324 3 scribbler 19th May 2018, 23:21
» by brendan
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1234 13 enigma 19th May 2018, 20:55
» by chips
Local paper 2 brahan 19th May 2018, 20:10
» by brahan
I Cryptic - parse please 5 david w 19th May 2018, 16:48
» by david w
Guardian prize 17 barny 19th May 2018, 15:58
» by zozozo
Sat Times Crossword: 27,402 - 23 across 1 rogerjw 19th May 2018, 15:50
» by djawhufc
I cryptic 1 thomas 19th May 2018, 12:34
» by mamya
i Cryptic 2271 4 diablos 19th May 2018, 11:50
» by thomas
I cryptic 6 thomas 19th May 2018, 11:50
» by david w
Times 27042 1 queenie 19th May 2018, 11:19
» by chrisg
PEER REVIEW 334 53 ginge 19th May 2018, 09:49
» by skyewalker
Malone Times Saturday 1 2 malone 19th May 2018, 08:23
» by malone
skyewalker 1 aristophanes 19th May 2018, 07:27
» by skyewalker
Harpers 2018-06 puzzle 4 syzygy 19th May 2018, 01:00
» by mattrom
QUIZ Music and the Musicals 5 crossray 18th May 2018, 22:34
» by crossray
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