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Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 18th May 2018, 20:03
» by ollyblue
Listener 4502 71 gitto 18th May 2018, 19:04
» by malone
MT Friday 4 2 malone 18th May 2018, 18:59
» by malone
fishing 5 kingfisher 18th May 2018, 18:42
» by malone
wild flowers 7 quizmad 18th May 2018, 18:13
» by rusty
MT Friday 2 4 malone 18th May 2018, 17:47
» by malone
MT Friday 3 2 malone 18th May 2018, 17:45
» by malone
Malone Times Friday 1 2 malone 18th May 2018, 17:25
» by brendan
mammals 2 ernie 18th May 2018, 15:08
» by rusty
That Bird Hannah 22 hannah 18th May 2018, 12:41
» by hannah
CLUELESS 371 40 ixion 18th May 2018, 11:13
» by therogue
i Cryptic 2270 5 diablos 18th May 2018, 10:09
» by diablos
Cryptic Jumbo 1323 29ac 3 crossray 17th May 2018, 21:42
» by malone
RT 21 4 radarman 17th May 2018, 20:05
» by cerasus
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 2 ollyblue 17th May 2018, 18:10
» by ollyblue
DT28737 4 pollyanna 17th May 2018, 14:15
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2269 6 diablos 17th May 2018, 11:31
» by elle
Connction 11 flambelle 17th May 2018, 10:46
» by flambelle
Phrases or Sayings without Vowels 10 flambelle 17th May 2018, 10:41
» by cerasus
i2268 4 simmo 17th May 2018, 08:29
» by simmo
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