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?O?? & ?U?? 8 nimus 10th May 2018, 16:59
» by malone
learning curve 5 marg77 10th May 2018, 16:17
» by escher
Malone Times Thursday 17 malone 10th May 2018, 15:36
» by malone
Everyman 3734 2 panagram 10th May 2018, 15:34
» by panagram
the learning curve quiz 2 marg77 10th May 2018, 15:22
» by marg77
Rebound? 2 milna 10th May 2018, 15:16
» by milna
Help Requires please 3 irish 10th May 2018, 13:30
» by elle
Local cryptic 2 trent18 10th May 2018, 13:13
» by elle
i Cryptic 2263 3 diablos 10th May 2018, 12:08
» by djawhufc
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1321 1 kpc123 10th May 2018, 12:01
» by djawhufc
RADIO TIMES 1 mjk 10th May 2018, 11:01
» by chrise
The Week 1105 3 sarumite 10th May 2018, 10:56
» by malone
I cryptic 3 thomas 10th May 2018, 10:55
» by thomas
CLUELESS 370 48 skyewalker 10th May 2018, 10:09
» by fieryjack
Malone Times Thursday 2 4 malone 10th May 2018, 10:06
» by malone
Malone Weekend Times 4 9 malone 10th May 2018, 10:05
» by malone
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1322 (Bank Holiday) - parsing? 4 sealionsteve 10th May 2018, 09:07
» by sealionsteve
Wee Stinker May 5 49 sunray 9th May 2018, 20:54
» by weeredscuba
Wee Stinker - good news 6 john 9th May 2018, 20:50
» by stevie gee
Cryptic Clue 2 milna 9th May 2018, 12:18
» by milna
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