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i Cryptic 2274 5 diablos 23rd May 2018, 11:37
» by thomas
Mind your Ps and Qs 6 susie 23rd May 2018, 11:05
» by chips
I cryptic 6 thomas 23rd May 2018, 10:10
» by thomas
Phoenix 1 jackoruane 22nd May 2018, 22:12
» by ginge
Viz craptic 276(adult language) 4 bonytony 22nd May 2018, 20:07
» by bonytony
Parsing help please 5 sandorable 22nd May 2018, 15:56
» by rossim
i Cryptic 2273 10 diablos 22nd May 2018, 12:23
» by david w
I cryptic 6 thomas 22nd May 2018, 11:20
» by thomas
Spectator 2359 6 itsme 22nd May 2018, 08:22
» by kt17
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1324 7 bilbow 22nd May 2018, 08:14
» by malone
Viz-276-[PG advisory]. 5 hallgreening 22nd May 2018, 08:08
» by geevo
learning curve - continued 18 anotheray 21st May 2018, 20:24
» by heather39
Wall Street Journal 20180519 4 syzygy 21st May 2018, 19:16
» by syzygy
Private Eye 625 3 jockguy 21st May 2018, 18:13
» by rusty
Bletchley Park Crossword answer 2 bluegeranium 21st May 2018, 16:11
» by bluegeranium
college or universities 5 quizmad 21st May 2018, 15:53
» by quiztime
Viz 276-PG-advisory 1 hallgreening 21st May 2018, 15:51
» by hallgreening
The Week 1107 2 sarumite 21st May 2018, 12:16
» by sarumite
telegraph prize 500 20D 1 geoff marbella 21st May 2018, 11:58
» by rusty
Times Jumbo 1324 7 mtthebin 21st May 2018, 10:33
» by mtthebin
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