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Sunday post cryptic 7 babs 21st May 2018, 00:04
» by mamya
Times Jumbo 1324 cryptic 3 rocketman 20th May 2018, 23:51
» by mamya
Everyman 3736 6 ruby 20th May 2018, 22:14
» by rusty
Express skeleton 4 april 20th May 2018, 21:54
» by rusty
Sat. Times no 27042 2 litlun 20th May 2018, 21:45
» by litlun
GUARDIAN 27,513 3 scribbler 20th May 2018, 21:42
» by laertes
Times jumbo 1324 3 beacher 20th May 2018, 21:27
» by beacher
Times 27042 10 across 2 zinc 20th May 2018, 19:57
» by zinc
Wee Stinker 29 stevie gee 20th May 2018, 18:42
» by kendo
icryptic 2271 3 rob 20th May 2018, 18:38
» by rob
Sunday Express Skeleton 20 May 3 myla 20th May 2018, 18:25
» by rusty
Seven days crossword,Sunday mail 4 beth 20th May 2018, 17:57
» by beth
Herald GK 709 yesterday. 6 andyb 20th May 2018, 17:40
» by andyb
St4799 6 pollyanna 20th May 2018, 16:54
» by tgipaul2
Polymath 970 19 May 1 cresson 20th May 2018, 16:38
» by elle
Everyman 3736 4 peadar 20th May 2018, 16:26
» by elle
Polymath 970 19 May 1 cresson 20th May 2018, 16:21
» by scorpiojo
ST 2952 cryptic 1A 5 joycie 20th May 2018, 15:48
» by joycie
Everyman3,736 3 bulldog 20th May 2018, 15:31
» by bulldog
Property s 0 theragman 20th May 2018, 15:18
» by theragman
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