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SAGA JUNE 12 trelos1 26th May 2018, 21:38
» by rusty
SAT TIMES 27,048 8 hallgreening 26th May 2018, 18:27
» by brendan
Sat Times Crossword: 27,048 - 12 across 1 rogerjw 26th May 2018, 17:12
» by zozozo
DR £150 Saturday 4 theresa 26th May 2018, 16:59
» by cerasus
Genius 179 6 prospero 26th May 2018, 16:52
» by prospero
TIMES JUMBO 1326 6 scribbler 26th May 2018, 16:51
» by scribbler
Alphapuzzle Friday 25th 3 cat55 26th May 2018, 14:23
» by elle
TLS 1227 3 xwordfan 26th May 2018, 14:16
» by xwordfan
Times jumbo cryptic 1325 5 kazwat 26th May 2018, 12:16
» by kazwat
SAT TIMES 27,048 2 hallgreening 26th May 2018, 11:04
» by hallgreening
i Cryptic 2277 5 diablos 26th May 2018, 09:17
» by diablos
Skeleton Xword 8 epsh42 26th May 2018, 09:01
» by epsh42
Superquick 855 7 wontel 26th May 2018, 08:17
» by malone
Local crossword 2 brahan 25th May 2018, 16:38
» by brahan
country walk 3 quizmad 25th May 2018, 16:00
» by quizmad
Mail Friday 2 strangelybrown 25th May 2018, 15:16
» by strangelybrown
Spectator 2358 4 kirky 25th May 2018, 13:54
» by crosswhit99
Viz craptic 276(adult language) 16 bonytony 25th May 2018, 12:33
» by bonytony
Spectator 2360, 24A 4 kt17 25th May 2018, 11:34
» by elle
i Cryptic 2276 4 diablos 25th May 2018, 10:52
» by thomas
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