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D.Mail Thurs 3 garyg 31st May 2018, 22:22
» by garyg
Local cryptic 3 trent18 31st May 2018, 21:01
» by elle
Sunday Crossword 4 sharper 31st May 2018, 13:02
» by sharper
i Cryptic 2271 9 diablos 31st May 2018, 12:07
» by diablos
Spectator 2361 3 xwordfan 31st May 2018, 11:41
» by xwordfan
Alphapuzzle Wednesday 30th 2 cat55 31st May 2018, 11:07
» by cat55
CLUELESS 373 42 fieryjack 31st May 2018, 10:22
» by pigale
I cryptic 4 thomas 31st May 2018, 09:56
» by thomas
Eye Crossword 626 4 drmorgans 30th May 2018, 16:33
» by drmorgans
PRIVATE EYE- No.626 2 hallgreening 30th May 2018, 15:13
» by ginge
PRIV EYE-626-[coarse language] 2 hallgreening 30th May 2018, 14:58
» by hallgreening
FT Polymath 971 3 cresson 30th May 2018, 14:24
» by malone
RT22 2 dandybandy 30th May 2018, 09:47
» by malone
i Cryptic 2280 7 diablos 30th May 2018, 09:44
» by diablos
Malone Times 30/5 2 malone 30th May 2018, 09:38
» by malone
Inquisitor 1544 13 jogamel 30th May 2018, 08:05
» by willtunn
Cryptic Crossword 2 drumbeat 29th May 2018, 21:06
» by drumbeat
Malone clone times 3 4 stevea6000 29th May 2018, 13:11
» by malone
thanks for your help 10 pass me the tippex 29th May 2018, 12:46
» by rusty
seasonal words (christmas I think ) 8 quizmad 29th May 2018, 12:45
» by rusty
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