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i Cryptic 2305 7 diablos 28th June 2018, 11:51
» by elle
Clueless 377 50 pigale 28th June 2018, 11:20
» by paul
Private Eye Crossword 628 2 drmorgans 28th June 2018, 10:17
» by drmorgans
Private Eye Crossword 628 2 drmorgans 28th June 2018, 09:07
» by drmorgans
Malone Times June 1 3 malone 28th June 2018, 08:11
» by rusty
Private Eye 628 4 rossword 27th June 2018, 22:48
» by shooty
CONDUCT ON THE FORUM 4 norah (admin) 27th June 2018, 20:00
» by geevo
farming crossword 2 kate 27th June 2018, 18:11
» by kate
Farming crossword 1 kate 27th June 2018, 17:26
» by scorpiojo
Harpers 2018-07 puzzle 15 syzygy 27th June 2018, 15:37
» by lumen
A Clue A Day 3 milna 27th June 2018, 12:21
» by malone
Spectator 2364 5 the_bard 27th June 2018, 11:31
» by the_bard
i Cryptic 2304 6 diablos 27th June 2018, 10:14
» by diablos
Times 27074 (Mon) 3 stevea6000 27th June 2018, 00:32
» by stevea6000
ST 4804 8 enigma 26th June 2018, 23:42
» by trebornotlaw
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1330 3 duckb 26th June 2018, 21:07
» by chips
Sport and games 3 susie 26th June 2018, 20:38
» by rusty
DR Funday Tuesday 3 theresa 26th June 2018, 19:00
» by malone
funday Tuesday DR 2 theresa 26th June 2018, 18:04
» by theresa
iCryptic2301 4 rob 26th June 2018, 16:57
» by rob
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