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Times crossword 27042. 1 johndoeford 5th July 2018, 21:40
» by malone
answer starts with P T 7 quizmad 5th July 2018, 21:32
» by elle
Glasgow Herald 3 paulm 5th July 2018, 18:15
» by jazzgirl
Everyman 3742 3 tonta 5th July 2018, 12:36
» by rusty
I cryptic 4 thomas 5th July 2018, 12:05
» by malone
i Cryptic 2311 8 diablos 5th July 2018, 10:48
» by diablos
CLUELESS 378 43 paul 5th July 2018, 08:51
» by ginge
EV1337. 18a 2 joycie 5th July 2018, 06:36
» by malone
Inquisitor 1548 80 scarlett 5th July 2018, 04:21
» by malone
IQ 1549 4 ludo 5th July 2018, 01:31
» by ludo
Supermarket 3 susie 4th July 2018, 22:58
» by quiztime
Times Teaser 1 beulah 4th July 2018, 21:20
» by tatters
Times cryptic Jumbo 1331 25 across 4 crossray 4th July 2018, 18:00
» by crossray
Express and Star 30/6/18 5 wynneaway 4th July 2018, 14:44
» by wynneaway
I cryptic 6 thomas 4th July 2018, 12:37
» by thomas
Sunday Crossword 3 sharper 4th July 2018, 11:01
» by mattrom
i Cryptic 2310 6 diablos 4th July 2018, 10:23
» by rusty
EV 1337 2 micky666 4th July 2018, 04:56
» by micky666
mega stinker 6 old tom 3rd July 2018, 16:08
» by jazzgirl
Sunday Crossword 8 sharper 3rd July 2018, 13:19
» by sharper
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