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Daily record,Tuesday crossword, 7 beth 26th June 2018, 16:47
» by rusty
EV 1336 34 kirky 26th June 2018, 16:27
» by drxx
Listener 4508 48 dylan 26th June 2018, 12:01
» by smellyharry
i Cryptic 2303 11 diablos 26th June 2018, 11:53
» by djawhufc
Fishing 5 kingfisher 26th June 2018, 09:42
» by geevo
rte 26 1 eibhlin 26th June 2018, 08:59
» by jazzgirl
Tv 1 kingfisher 26th June 2018, 07:46
» by jazzgirl
SWEP cryptic 3 martynclark 25th June 2018, 22:05
» by mamya
DM 15821 2 strangelybrown 25th June 2018, 20:37
» by strangelybrown
The Wee Stinker 23rd June 28 skyewalker 25th June 2018, 19:27
» by rusty
Everyman 3741 1 april 25th June 2018, 18:07
» by mamya
DM Monday 25th June 1 peg y don 25th June 2018, 17:01
» by djawhufc
Viz 277-[PG advisory]. 1 hallgreening 25th June 2018, 16:04
» by jazzgirl
A Clue A Day 7 milna 25th June 2018, 16:03
» by milna
Times Jumbo 1330 cryptic 6 rocketman 25th June 2018, 15:21
» by malone
Viz 277-[PG advisory]. 1 hallgreening 25th June 2018, 14:35
» by hallgreening
Cryptic Clue 4 milna 25th June 2018, 12:10
» by milna
Alpha puzzle 3 delboy65 25th June 2018, 11:16
» by delboy65
i Cryptic 2302 5 diablos 25th June 2018, 11:04
» by diablos
Anagram 4 deepseabob 25th June 2018, 09:46
» by deepseabob
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