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Anagram 4 deepseabob 25th June 2018, 09:46
» by deepseabob
Sunday Herald Prize crossword 1 mmairm 25th June 2018, 07:48
» by mattrom
Azed 8 cedric 24th June 2018, 23:23
» by deslyxic
£100 crossword,Sunday mail 3 beth 24th June 2018, 21:40
» by scorpiojo
Times 1330 2 magpie9 24th June 2018, 20:36
» by magpie9
Sunday Herald Prize 7 arremmay 24th June 2018, 20:32
» by stevie gee
Alpha puzzle 5 yidreg77 24th June 2018, 19:33
» by yidreg77
everyman 3741 5 nikkers 24th June 2018, 18:29
» by clegghall
SE Skeleton 1 marj 24th June 2018, 14:33
» by stevie gee
Times Jumbo cryptic 1330 4 cannyannie 24th June 2018, 13:32
» by brendan
Guardian Prize by Paul 23 chrise 24th June 2018, 12:55
» by rocky7
I cryptic 5 thomas 24th June 2018, 11:41
» by thomas
i cryptic 2301 1 jinjamiki 24th June 2018, 11:33
» by xwordfan
ST 4804 2 hallgreening 24th June 2018, 11:17
» by hallgreening
ST 4804 3 hallgreening 24th June 2018, 10:55
» by scorpiojo
Parsing 53a 2 hagleymum 24th June 2018, 10:40
» by hagleymum
Telegraph GK 504 3 lobeydosser 24th June 2018, 10:18
» by elle
Alphapuzzle Friday 22nd 2 cat55 24th June 2018, 09:46
» by elle
Dt gk 34d 3 gillysgaff 24th June 2018, 09:03
» by elle
Saturday Times 27072 2 crosser 24th June 2018, 07:50
» by crosser
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