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peer review 339 44 bigbadmarty2 24th June 2018, 03:21
» by paul
Local crossword 8 brahan 23rd June 2018, 20:40
» by brendan
Herald GK 3 gordon 23rd June 2018, 18:28
» by gordon
Times cryptic 1330 8 allie 23rd June 2018, 17:54
» by brendan
SAT TIMES 27,072 11 hallgreening 23rd June 2018, 16:54
» by brendan
TIMES JUMBO 1330 7 scribbler 23rd June 2018, 16:42
» by scribbler
DT28733 3 bulldog 23rd June 2018, 16:31
» by bulldog
Wee Stinker. 23.6.18 0 melville 23rd June 2018, 12:46
» by melville
Genius 180 2 uncle_w 23rd June 2018, 12:27
» by uncle_w
Guardian prize by paul 1 barny 23rd June 2018, 10:40
» by tone
Spectator 2364 3 itsme 23rd June 2018, 10:10
» by itsme
i Cryptic 2301 5 diablos 23rd June 2018, 09:57
» by diablos
YP 1686 2 linton 23rd June 2018, 09:56
» by linton
Short answer Times 2 #1329 5 michael 23rd June 2018, 09:47
» by michael
Local crossword 5 brahan 22nd June 2018, 21:16
» by malone
Seaside town 1 susie 22nd June 2018, 19:38
» by chrise
linkwords 4 voo 22nd June 2018, 12:45
» by voo
I cyptic 5 thomas 22nd June 2018, 11:51
» by thomas
i Cryptic Crossword 2300 12 diablos 22nd June 2018, 11:50
» by jazzgirl
TLS 1231 6 scarlett 22nd June 2018, 11:17
» by scarlett
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