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RT 27 8 radarman 3rd July 2018, 12:32
» by dandybandy
i Cryptic 2309 7 diablos 3rd July 2018, 10:49
» by diablos
I cryptic 2 thomas 3rd July 2018, 09:40
» by jazzgirl
TIMES JUMBO 1331 3 scribbler 3rd July 2018, 08:30
» by scribbler
Mail Monday 5 strangelybrown 2nd July 2018, 22:09
» by andyc
RTE Guide 27 5 laurel 2nd July 2018, 21:53
» by laurel
DT prize 506 down 7 2 geoff marbella 2nd July 2018, 21:24
» by geoff marbella
ST4805 ! 6 63acornwall 2nd July 2018, 19:43
» by chips
College or University 3 flambelle 2nd July 2018, 17:49
» by quiztime
Daily Mail Monday 2 brianheslop 2nd July 2018, 17:12
» by brianheslop
S/mail £100 crossword 2 jinty 2nd July 2018, 16:35
» by jinty
Colleges and Universities 5 flambelle 2nd July 2018, 16:16
» by malone
Help please 2 old tom 2nd July 2018, 15:54
» by old tom
please help! Stuck for two days with three on Guardian Cryptic 27548 5 big al 2nd July 2018, 14:35
» by elle
Guardian Genius 181 2 tintin 2nd July 2018, 14:31
» by prospero
Trees and Shrubs cryptic quiz 7 philuttley55 2nd July 2018, 13:46
» by philuttley55
Viz 277-[PG advisory] 36 hallgreening 2nd July 2018, 13:04
» by robthebuck
ST 4805 5 st.hubbins 2nd July 2018, 12:12
» by malone
Noncryptic clue 2 bharat 2nd July 2018, 12:07
» by bharat
Wee stinker 8 gravitas 2nd July 2018, 11:01
» by dunderheid
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