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i 2313 Paperboy!! (17d) 4 burnsie 10th July 2018, 08:45
» by malone
4 Malone re IQ 1 ludo 10th July 2018, 07:04
» by malone
Everyman 3743 3 april 10th July 2018, 04:21
» by burnsie
IQ 1549 2 ludo 10th July 2018, 00:24
» by ludo
RT 28 3 chopper erk 9th July 2018, 21:55
» by chrise
ST4806! 8 63acornwall 9th July 2018, 20:05
» by 63acornwall
Mail 15834 5 strangelybrown 9th July 2018, 19:48
» by strangelybrown
IQ 1550 8 sunray 9th July 2018, 18:31
» by murky
EV1338 3 bigf 9th July 2018, 14:58
» by malone
Wee stinker 4 gravitas 9th July 2018, 12:25
» by gravitas
Alphapuzzle 2 cat55 9th July 2018, 09:10
» by cat55
times. no. 27084 1 litlun 9th July 2018, 00:46
» by brendan
Sunday Express Skeleton July 8 2 myla 8th July 2018, 22:39
» by myla
SP 4 cantdo 8th July 2018, 22:34
» by cantdo
Help, please. Times cryptic 1332 3 philm 8th July 2018, 21:31
» by philm
Wee Stinker 26 john 8th July 2018, 19:49
» by xerxes
Times 27084 1 bigdave1954 8th July 2018, 19:01
» by scorpiojo
Times cryptic 1332 3 foxey 8th July 2018, 18:54
» by foxey
guardian prize July 7th 6 gelibean 8th July 2018, 17:54
» by scorpiojo
Mail on Sunday Bare Bones 3 brianheslop 8th July 2018, 17:54
» by brianheslop
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