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Trees and shrubs 3 parcelgirl 12th July 2018, 17:47
» by rusty
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 12th July 2018, 14:43
» by malone
CLUELESS 379 53 mattrom 12th July 2018, 14:22
» by seamus, ayrshire
truck & driver 2 fod869 12th July 2018, 12:54
» by fod869
truck & driver 5 fod869 12th July 2018, 12:40
» by fod869
Spectator 2366 5 itsme 12th July 2018, 11:33
» by itsme
another cryptic clue 1 woodhams 12th July 2018, 11:20
» by cerasus
cryptic clue 1 woodhams 12th July 2018, 11:17
» by itsme
Private Eye Crossword 629 2 drmorgans 12th July 2018, 10:17
» by drmorgans
Private Eye Crossword 629 3 drmorgans 12th July 2018, 09:41
» by malone
i Cryptic 2317 7 diablos 12th July 2018, 09:22
» by diablos
PRIV EYE-629 7 hallgreening 11th July 2018, 16:30
» by hallgreening
Times Cryptic 1332 2 foxey 11th July 2018, 14:15
» by foxey
i Cryptic 2316 11 diablos 11th July 2018, 11:10
» by jazzgirl
place names in yorkshire 3 saxon39 11th July 2018, 08:18
» by jazzgirl
Times 27084 13 ftsalmon 11th July 2018, 07:01
» by rusty
Oldie Genius 363 12 dobbo 10th July 2018, 20:02
» by jazzgirl
i Cryptic 2313 6 diablos 10th July 2018, 10:25
» by diablos
Jumbo cryptic 1332 5 scarpenter 10th July 2018, 09:55
» by mattrom
azed 2404 2 cedric 10th July 2018, 09:45
» by cedric
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