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ST 4806 12 hallgreening 8th July 2018, 17:39
» by chips
everyman 3743 2 catcharmer 8th July 2018, 17:12
» by catcharmer
Times Jumbo 1332 cryptic 3 bigdave1954 8th July 2018, 15:39
» by malone
Sunday Herald dog 4 al_issner 8th July 2018, 14:31
» by elle
ST 4806 6 hallgreening 8th July 2018, 14:30
» by scorpiojo
IQ 1548 Malone etal 4 ludo 8th July 2018, 13:39
» by spoffy
Everyman 3743 2 peadar 8th July 2018, 13:32
» by peadar
Times jumbo 1332 4 rogerw 8th July 2018, 12:27
» by rogerw
Mail cryptic Sat 1 jmn 8th July 2018, 10:20
» by malone
Times ; Sat. No 27,084 2 hal o the wynd 8th July 2018, 10:09
» by hal o the wynd
i Cryptic 2313 10 diablos 8th July 2018, 08:40
» by rusty
Double Up Puzzle 1 icauser44 8th July 2018, 08:40
» by scorpiojo
SAT TIMES 27,084 8 hallgreening 8th July 2018, 06:28
» by scorpiojo
Azed 2404 1 jadzia49 8th July 2018, 06:25
» by scorpiojo
Me again 2 swardrope1711 7th July 2018, 23:25
» by scorpiojo
SOS again 3 swardrope1711 7th July 2018, 22:26
» by elle
AZED 2403 18 martyn 7th July 2018, 20:11
» by mattrom
TLS 1233 4 ruby7 7th July 2018, 20:01
» by scorpiojo
times cryptic quintagram 109 2 nmp 7th July 2018, 16:58
» by nmp
FT Polymath 977 2 cresson 7th July 2018, 16:19
» by rusty
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