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Listener 4511 75 gitto 19th July 2018, 13:42
» by meursault
Film Dingbats 1 quizmad 19th July 2018, 12:16
» by brainless
I cryptic 3 thomas 19th July 2018, 10:25
» by thomas
Everyman 3744 2 sticksie 19th July 2018, 10:11
» by sticksie
Listener 4511 missing name 1 joycie 19th July 2018, 07:01
» by malone
Malone clone times 3 stevea6000 18th July 2018, 21:15
» by stevea6000
Guardian Prize 14th July 31 goldwire 18th July 2018, 16:24
» by mirandamoon
Inquisitor 1551 6 mjk 18th July 2018, 15:28
» by bigf
S/mail £100 crossword 3 jinty 18th July 2018, 11:21
» by elle
i Cryptic 23221 5 diablos 18th July 2018, 11:10
» by diablos
I cryptic 3 thomas 18th July 2018, 10:29
» by djawhufc
Sat Times cryptic 27090 2 tonyb 18th July 2018, 09:41
» by tonyb
Times 27091 2 stevea6000 18th July 2018, 00:23
» by stevea6000
EV 1339 37 scarlett 17th July 2018, 23:12
» by jigjag
Times jumbo 1333 - cryptic 14 philm 17th July 2018, 22:54
» by brendan
ST 4807 9 st.hubbins 17th July 2018, 22:19
» by trebornotlaw
Harpers 2018-08 puzzle 28 syzygy 17th July 2018, 21:01
» by rosalind
Inquisitor 1551 3 bobbycollins 17th July 2018, 20:13
» by malone
RT30 Help 5 sandorable 17th July 2018, 14:32
» by sandorable
Still stuck 5 swardrope1711 17th July 2018, 11:37
» by swardrope1711
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