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I cryptic 4 thomas 21st July 2018, 11:43
» by thomas
PEER REVIEW 343 60 spike2 21st July 2018, 10:49
» by fieryjack
Times 27096 1 bozo 21st July 2018, 10:32
» by scarlett
YP 1690 2 linton 21st July 2018, 10:19
» by john
YP 1690 1 linton 21st July 2018, 10:03
» by mattrom
Listener 4215 0 dylan 21st July 2018, 08:42
» by dylan
i Cryptic 2325 6 diablos 21st July 2018, 08:24
» by diablos
Azed 2405 17 germy 21st July 2018, 08:08
» by crosswhit99
Alphapuzzle 2 cat55 21st July 2018, 00:20
» by cat55
Spectator 2368 7 itsme 20th July 2018, 17:37
» by itsme
SPAM 4 norah (admin) 20th July 2018, 17:31
» by malone
Glasgow Herald 7 paulm 20th July 2018, 15:17
» by paulm
cryptic clue 1 milna 20th July 2018, 14:51
» by cerasus
Spectator 2367 3 itsme 20th July 2018, 14:24
» by turast
i Cryptic 2323 7 diablos 20th July 2018, 13:51
» by stevie gee
Daily Mail Thursday 2 rocketman 20th July 2018, 11:31
» by rocketman
i Cryptic 2324 6 diablos 20th July 2018, 10:14
» by diablos
Alphapuzzle Wednesday 2 cat55 20th July 2018, 09:58
» by mattrom
Malone Times July 1 6 malone 19th July 2018, 22:03
» by malone
CLUELESS 380 44 fieryjack 19th July 2018, 21:25
» by aristophanes
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