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Malone Times Thursday 3 1 malone 26th July 2018, 12:33
» by zozozo
Theme is UK rivers 1 jude52s 26th July 2018, 12:24
» by cerasus
CLUELESS 381 49 skyewalker 26th July 2018, 10:01
» by ginge
i2327 2 simmo 26th July 2018, 08:02
» by simmo
Private Eye 630 4 drmorgans 25th July 2018, 17:07
» by drmorgans
a clue a day 5 milna 25th July 2018, 13:21
» by cerasus
Jumbo1334 Cryptic 3 despard 25th July 2018, 12:52
» by despard
Sunday Crossword 2 sharper 25th July 2018, 12:44
» by sharper
i Cryptic 2328 6 diablos 25th July 2018, 09:39
» by malone
Common Combos 3 icauser44 25th July 2018, 09:32
» by malone
Help me understand! 5 thorpey 24th July 2018, 21:29
» by chrise
Times Jumbo 1334 3 slowlearner 24th July 2018, 15:20
» by slowlearner
a clue a day 1 milna 24th July 2018, 14:34
» by mamya
IQ 1511 9 sunray 24th July 2018, 11:38
» by crosswhit99
i Cryptic 2327 6 diablos 24th July 2018, 10:20
» by diablos
SPAM FRITTERS 1 norah (admin) 24th July 2018, 08:53
» by malone
Malone Times Monday 1 4 malone 23rd July 2018, 23:26
» by stevea6000
R.T.E Guide 31 5 mars10 23rd July 2018, 22:34
» by rusty
DT Mon prize 509 down 23 across 29 4 geoff marbella 23rd July 2018, 18:10
» by geoff marbella
Times Jumbo 823 1 sue n neil 23rd July 2018, 16:34
» by rusty
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