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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Malone Times Sunday 1 2 malone 22nd July 2018, 15:25
» by malone
Times Cryptic Jumbo 1334 3 ftsalmon 22nd July 2018, 13:56
» by mamya
AZED 2406 3 barretter 22nd July 2018, 12:46
» by barretter
Todays Everyman 4 leapy 22nd July 2018, 11:25
» by elle
Everyman 3745 3 jertax 22nd July 2018, 11:19
» by jertax
Times Jumbo cryptic 1334 3 sandorable 22nd July 2018, 11:14
» by malone
YP1690 4 yorkie 22nd July 2018, 11:05
» by malone
Guardian prize 22 barny 22nd July 2018, 08:52
» by april
Daily record 150 5 theresa 22nd July 2018, 08:01
» by theresa
TTIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 1334 4 enigma 22nd July 2018, 06:52
» by rusty
Times Jumbo 1334 - Cryptic 6 bear of lb 21st July 2018, 21:11
» by malone
Malone Times Saturday 4 5 malone 21st July 2018, 20:44
» by rusty
Times cryptic 27096 13 queenie 21st July 2018, 18:16
» by chrise
Tls 1235 6 ruby7 21st July 2018, 17:21
» by mamya
Times cryptic 1334 6 allie 21st July 2018, 16:13
» by allie
Malone Times Saturday 3 3 malone 21st July 2018, 15:56
» by mamya
Malone Times Saturday 2 2 malone 21st July 2018, 15:24
» by malone
Malone Times Saturday 1 9 malone 21st July 2018, 14:15
» by stevea6000
Times 27096 3 smiffy 21st July 2018, 13:54
» by rusty
SAT TIMES 27096 9 hallgreening 21st July 2018, 13:46
» by gooner
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