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Herald S.R.O.B. 7 arremmay 13th August 2018, 18:34
» by scorpiojo
Times jumbo cryptic 1337 2 trevsmif 13th August 2018, 18:03
» by trevsmif
Yours magazine 1 joygeo 13th August 2018, 16:28
» by cerasus
Fictional teaser 0 bookworm365 13th August 2018, 15:39
» by bookworm365
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 2 ollyblue 13th August 2018, 15:28
» by ollyblue
Sunday Herald 12/08 6 al_issner 13th August 2018, 14:36
» by cerasus
Sunday Crossword 2 sharper 13th August 2018, 14:05
» by sharper
ST4811 3 stevea6000 13th August 2018, 13:48
» by malone
Wee Stinker (again). 20d question 9 timdownieuk 13th August 2018, 12:47
» by al_issner
Stuck on last one in Sunday Mail 2 linda 13th August 2018, 09:54
» by linda
I cryptic 1 thomas 13th August 2018, 09:48
» by chrise
Daily record Saturday 1 jinty 13th August 2018, 08:46
» by stevie gee
Say That Again? 2 icauser44 13th August 2018, 03:28
» by aristophanes
Wall Street Journal 20180811 5 syzygy 12th August 2018, 23:07
» by mattrom
SP 2 cantdo 12th August 2018, 22:28
» by cantdo
ST 4811 5 st.hubbins 12th August 2018, 21:10
» by scorpiojo
Herald GK 2 gravitas 12th August 2018, 20:30
» by gravitas
i Cryptic 2343 2 alto 12th August 2018, 20:10
» by alto
i cryptic 2343 2 pepsi1000 12th August 2018, 19:51
» by pepsi1000
Times cryptic 1337 2 foxey 12th August 2018, 19:37
» by foxey
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