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Inquisitor 1554 26 nelson 18th August 2018, 13:20
» by nelson
Malone clone 4 stevea6000 18th August 2018, 12:36
» by stevea6000
TLS 1239 3 bunty 18th August 2018, 12:20
» by malone
i Cryptic 2349 10 diablos 18th August 2018, 10:18
» by cerasus
YP 1694 2 linton 18th August 2018, 10:03
» by linton
VIZ 278 PG expletive - quite a few 20 beastra 18th August 2018, 02:03
» by brendan
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 2 ollyblue 17th August 2018, 20:33
» by ollyblue
Malone Times Friday 3 2 malone 17th August 2018, 16:26
» by malone
Malone Times Friday 4 2 malone 17th August 2018, 15:48
» by malone
Malone Times Friday 2 2 malone 17th August 2018, 15:10
» by malone
Malone Times Friday 1 3 malone 17th August 2018, 14:44
» by elle
D.Mail Monday 4 joy 17th August 2018, 14:02
» by malone
Daily Mail. 2 saki 17th August 2018, 12:01
» by saki
Linkwords 2 rays 17th August 2018, 11:29
» by rays
I cryptic 6 thomas 17th August 2018, 11:00
» by thomas
Linkwords 2 rays 17th August 2018, 10:46
» by rays
i Cryptic 2348 7 diablos 17th August 2018, 10:33
» by diablos
Local crossword 4 brahan 17th August 2018, 08:22
» by malone
Clueless 384 54 stevea6000 17th August 2018, 03:33
» by mattrom
Malone Times Thursday 2 13 malone 16th August 2018, 18:22
» by malone
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