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Monday Telegraph prize 513 across 21 6 geoff marbella 20th August 2018, 18:00
» by geoff marbella
S/mail £100 crossword 3 jinty 20th August 2018, 16:32
» by jinty
S/mail £100 crossword 3 jinty 20th August 2018, 16:24
» by scorpiojo
Guardian prize Picaroon 3 mirandamoon 20th August 2018, 15:50
» by scorpiojo
TIMES 27,120 8 gooner 20th August 2018, 15:37
» by scorpiojo
DM Monday 3 brianheslop 20th August 2018, 14:06
» by brianheslop
D Mail 15861 2 strangelybrown 20th August 2018, 13:54
» by strangelybrown
Sarurday Telegraph 28,821 3 rocketman 20th August 2018, 12:03
» by elle
Music and the musicals 2 tex123 20th August 2018, 12:01
» by tex123
Sunday Express Skeleton 3 rocketman 20th August 2018, 11:37
» by rocketman
One from the archive 2 j3parkin 20th August 2018, 11:30
» by j3parkin
ST4812 6 anriard 20th August 2018, 10:53
» by anriard
everyman 3749 3 peter21 20th August 2018, 10:21
» by peter21
Herald GK 722 yesterday. 4 andyb 20th August 2018, 09:23
» by stevie gee
i Cryptic 2350 6 diablos 20th August 2018, 09:05
» by malone
ST 4812 3 ftsalmon 20th August 2018, 08:50
» by malone
Scottish Sunday Mail 19th August 3 annilee 19th August 2018, 23:30
» by annilee
Times no. 27120 8 j3parkin 19th August 2018, 22:15
» by brendan
sat. times 27120 3 litlun 19th August 2018, 22:01
» by litlun
St4812 1 jmcg 19th August 2018, 21:56
» by malone
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