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Everyman 3749 4 catcharmer 19th August 2018, 16:43
» by elle
SE skeleton 1 marj 19th August 2018, 14:54
» by blueice
Herald 18 th 3 numpty 19th August 2018, 13:38
» by numpty
Saturday Times 27120 3 bigdave1954 19th August 2018, 13:31
» by mamya
Everyman 3,749 6 ruthie 19th August 2018, 12:19
» by elle
ST 4812 2 hallgreening 19th August 2018, 11:07
» by hallgreening
Linkwords 6 rays 19th August 2018, 11:00
» by rays
Everyman 4 thomas 19th August 2018, 10:49
» by elle
ST 4812 2 hallgreening 19th August 2018, 10:46
» by hallgreening
The Week 1120 3 halifaxandrew 19th August 2018, 10:19
» by halifaxandrew
Guardian prize 10 barny 18th August 2018, 23:56
» by mamya
23 ac 1 j3parkin 18th August 2018, 22:30
» by malone
times easy 1338 1 harry 18th August 2018, 22:17
» by malone
colours in their names 23 brainless 18th August 2018, 19:02
» by quizmad
Wee Stinker 25 john 18th August 2018, 17:52
» by timdownieuk
YP 1694 4 cooks07 18th August 2018, 16:50
» by cooks07
RTE Guide No 34 2 kate 18th August 2018, 14:56
» by rusty
D Mail 2 bailey 18th August 2018, 13:52
» by bailey
SAT TIMES 27,120 3 hallgreening 18th August 2018, 13:36
» by hallgreening
PEER REVIEW 347 72 bigbadmarty2 18th August 2018, 13:27
» by paul
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