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LOCAL XWORD PART 2 2 bull 10th April 2009, 10:14
» by bull
LOCAL XWORD 2 bull 10th April 2009, 09:55
» by bull
Rainbow Charity Puzzle, there I've said it! 17 campanilla 10th April 2009, 00:39
» by campanilla
Rainbow Charity Puzzle, there I've said it! 2 campanilla 10th April 2009, 00:26
» by john (from arran)
colours in films 5 ellie 10th April 2009, 00:07
» by matty
Cryptic Overnight 3 md 10th April 2009, 00:05
» by campanilla
answers 1 heather 9th April 2009, 22:49
» by john (from arran)
put y our house in order quiz 2 heather 9th April 2009, 21:37
» by trevor
Cryptic 6 md 9th April 2009, 20:59
» by md
UK Place names 3 chuckle 9th April 2009, 19:28
» by chuckle
the cupcake competition 5 pecker426 9th April 2009, 18:51
» by pecker426
last few silent letters words 8 nibbles 9th April 2009, 17:38
» by nibbles
Silent letters 13 nibbles 9th April 2009, 15:21
» by nibbles
RTE Guide 15 2 toastcake 9th April 2009, 12:50
» by toastcake
Mephisto 2536 6 jerry 9th April 2009, 11:16
» by jimc
Mephisto 2536 2 beth 9th April 2009, 10:42
» by beth
Treasure Hunt 0 archie99 9th April 2009, 00:49
» by archie99
Cryptic. 15 gingerhendry 8th April 2009, 21:57
» by campanilla
last clue 1 t grundy 8th April 2009, 17:58
» by jimb
cryptic quiz 6 lizzie 8th April 2009, 17:56
» by lizzie
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